A group of five same age peers and their caregivers gather for a 6-session series focusing on how we use our language effectively.

Parents will be guided on pragmatic language targets and given specific weekly home program activities to practice social language targets.

Who would benefit from Connections?

-All students who demonstrate difficulty making and maintaining friendships

-Children who miss non-verbal cues in their environment.

-Children who have difficulty clearly communicating their intentions. For example, they may come across angry or aggressive despite not intending to, etc.

-Children who often misjudge the emotions of others or struggle to communicate their emotions.

Example Topics

-Knowing how to join, participate in and leave conversations

-Reading non-verbal cues

-Understanding and using appropriate tone

-Online Communication

-Reading the emotions of others

Where & When?

Groups are ongoing as sessions are fully registered

Meeting once a week

Meeting time depends on age/grade